Lonza Marchigiana
The first stage of preparation involves boning the neck of the pig. The part is selected from the 4th to the 6th rib of the loin. Its weight can vary from 3.5 to 4 Kg. Our pork loin is then seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic.
The curing time varies from a minimum of 70 days to a maximum of 90 days.

Lonzino Marchigiano
Our work begins with the loin boning, whose weight is about 4 or 5 Kg. The process continues with the aromatization of the loin through the use of salt, pepper and garlic.
The curing time varies from a minimum of 60 days to a maximum of 80 days.

Rolled Bacon
It takes its origin from the rear of the belly of pork, that is trimmed and so it takes a square shape and then it’s rolled up and stuffed. At this point, it is flavored with care, using salt, pepper and garlic.
The curing time varies from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 60 days.

It is made from the under neck’s processing, combining the two cheeks of the pig. It is trimmed until it assumed a triangular shape. The process continues with the aromatization through the use of salt, pepper and garlic.
The curing time varies from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 60 days.

Salame without lardoons
It takes its origin from the processing of the noble parts of pork (shoulder and ham). The merger of the parties gives rise to a mixture that is subjected to a process of flavoring with salt, pepper and garlic. Finally, it is matured in a natural casing.
The curing time varies from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 45 days, depending on the size of it.

Salame of Fabriano
The first stage of the process consists in cutting the fat, we use only back’s one, we cut it into cubes and then the production process continues, cutting and chopping the noble parts of the pig: the thigh and shoulder. After that, the fat and the lean dough undergo a process of flavoring by using salt, pepper and garlic. Finally everything is set to mature in the gut.
The curing time varies from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 45 days, depending on the size of the product.

Dried sausage
This product comes from our traditional workmanship of the shoulder and belly, which add up to a paste, to which is added salt, pepper and garlic.
Then the dough is stuffed with care and aged for at least 15-20 days.

Traditional fresh sausage of Castelvecchio
Our sausage is derived from processing of fresh meat, and particularly from the union of the shoulder and bacon, which added give rise to a paste, to which are added salt and pepper. Then the dough is stuffed with care, creating a product with a unique flavor, whose cooking has the maximum boost on the grill.
Salumificio Angeloni s.r.l.
Via Montegrappa, 17
61030 Castelvecchio di Monteporzio (PU)
Tel. 0721.955136
Fax 0721.955729